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10-21-17 | Active Shooter Preparedness Training, West Springfield, MA
10-28-17 | Active Shooter Preparedness Training, West Springfield, MA
Occupant Preparedness Plan
Troy Prepared can create or modify an existing occupant preparedness plan (OPP). An OPP describe the actions that occupants should take to ensure their safety if an emergency situation occurs. These plans reduce the threat to personnel, property, and other assets within the business in the event of an incident inside or immediately surrounding a business by providing facility-specific response procedures for occupants to follow. The OPP provides clear instruction on roles and responsibilities for all aspects of the preparedness spectrum, from prevention and protection to response and recovery. Troy Prepared uses an approach that includes procedures to handle a wide range of hazards and threats, such as medical emergencies, bomb threats, suspicious packages, active shooter incidents and natural disasters that could affect a business. The OPP meets the specific characteristics, needs, and criteria for each business. Troy Prepared makes liaison with and coordinate with local emergency responders, regarding the OPP; ensuring that first responders are familiar with the layout of the business and the OPP, enhancing their ability to respond to an emergency incident equipped with facility specific knowledge beforehand. The OPP also considers safety codes and regulations when developing and implementing preparedness planning; addressing multi-jurisdictional issues regarding mass care, sheltering, and evacuation. -
Active Shooter Preparedness Training
An active shooter is “”an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearm[s] and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.” According to the FBI in regard to an Active Shooter Incident “Unlike a defined crime, such as a murder or mass killing, the active aspect inherently implies that both law enforcement personnel and citizens have the potential to affect the outcome of the event based upon their responses.” If an active shooter event occurred at your workplace or while at the mall on vacation or at a resort while accompanied by loved ones; what would you do? How would you “affect the outcome of the event”? Troy Prepared has active shooter preparedness training for the corporate community and private citizens designed for this purpose, to “affect the outcome of the event” through preparedness; Chaos, panic and fear can never be eliminated. But they can be minimized and controlled when there is preparation, planning and rehearsal prior to the event that causes them. Be prepared, Be Troy Prepared! -
Active Shooter Occupant Preparedness Drill
This gives the facility occupants the opportunity to apply the active shooter response techniques they received during preparedness training; it allows for the business to utilize to recently Troy Prepared Written or modified Occupant Preparedness Plan (OPP). Prior to the drill there are several planning meetings conducted with the business management and emergency preparedness teams and law enforcement (LE) agencies to ensure the safe conduct of the exercise. The purpose of the active shooter occupant preparedness drill is to inoculate the employee against the stress associated with such an incident. This stress is twofold, making decisions to leave the facility or lock down based upon the information the limited information they have at hand, and also the stress of receiving commands from law enforcement upon their arrival. Chaos, panic and fear can never be eliminated. But they can be minimized and controlled when there is preparation, planning and rehearsal prior to the event that causes them. -
Work Place Violence Preparedness Training
This training is designed for both the employees and management team can identify the types of workplace violence, the warning signs of workplace violence to include inappropriate behavior and communications, and the appropriate courses of action regarding potential or reported workplace violence; focusing on law enforcement liaison, internal security procedures and the human resources implications. Work place violence issues typically don’t happen in a vacuum, the perpetrators usually telegraph their intentions through inappropriate communications, behaviors and threats. Troy Prepared Work Place Violence Preparedness Training is purposed for you and your employees to identify these behaviors and indicators in advance and take the appropriate actions giving you the opportunity to prevent workplace violence from occurring in your place of business. -
Suspicious Packages and Mail Preparedness Training
Troy Prepared designed this training for businesses and their employees, specifically mail room personnel. The training focuses on the characteristics of a “suspicious package and or mail”, a checklist of steps to follow if mail or package is deemed suspicious; these checklists address whether to evacuate or shelter in place, whether or not to shut down the HVAC system or other engineering controls as appropriate. What information to report to first responders about the package or mailing and its locations. Explosives , incendiaries and chemical or biological weapons are a few of the tools used by terrorists In 2010 a terrorist group in attempted to ship improvised explosive devices to random U.S. Businesses and Government Buildings; the plot though foiled verifies the terrorist interest utilizing the mail or shipping services as a delivery method for terror. This preparedness training can mitigate that risk. -
Emergency Preparedness Training
Troy Prepared designed this for the business employee and their families. In the vast majority of emergencies we can rely on picking up the phone, dialing 911 and have the confidence that Police, Fire or EMS will be responding to help you. However, what if you picked up the phone and there was no service? Either the cell towers are down or overwhelmed, no calls can get through. What if you could get through but 911 cannot get first responders to you because they are inundated with emergency calls; or there is a physical barrier which would impede or prevent their response? That would mean that you and your family or coworkers are on your own to deal with the emergency. In recent years this has happened on 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy. On 9/11 in New York City people fled the city on foot, first responders were dealing with the horrors of the attack , the cell phone towers were overwhelmed, there were no or limited communications; as a result people had to make the decision to evacuate and act upon it on their own. During Hurricane Katrina, in the New Orleans area there were no telecommunications; power was down and the infrastructure was destroyed during the storm. Even if one could call 911, first responders were trying to deal with the unprecedented enormity of the storms devastation; and in the event they could respond, the physical barriers caused by the flooding would prevent their response. Inevitably people had to survive, decide to shelter in place or evacuate on their own. During Hurricane Sandy, the floods and storm surge prevented first responders from handling calls to service due to the physical barrier of water. With this in mind, if at work or at home, you find yourself in an emergency situation, you dial 911 and the phone is dead, what do you do? What decisions will you make? Do you have disaster/emergency preparedness kits at work or at home? Do you have an emergency preparedness plan for home, is there one at work? Chaos, panic and fear can never be eliminated. But they can be minimized and controlled when there is preparation, planning and rehearsal prior to the event that causes them. Troy Prepared’s Training is purposed to help the student prepare and plan for such emergencies. -
Home and Personal Security Preparedness Training
Troy Prepared has a training program designed this for the business employee and their families. Social media is extremely prevalent in our society. People post information and photographs which may seem innocuous, but offer a window into your lives providing information to criminals that may make you or your family potential targets of criminal activity. For example, can you or your children verify everyone who is a “friend” or is “following them” and their posts; there are numerous examples in the news of child predators making fraudulent social media profiles, posing as children, to befriend and follow children on line. For adults, cyber stalking is a prevalent issue, whereas with children, who are your “friends” and who is following you on line; what are your security settings, can people you aren’t “friends” with, see your posts? What information or photos do you post? For example when going on vacation do you announce, on social media, that you are leaving or away? These posts let everyone online know that your house is untended; and vulnerable to burglary. Do you or families post, when they are alone at home, or check in to restaurants or bars, so everyone, including potential criminals know their travel patterns and whether they are alone or vulnerable to attack. When you post pictures of your home does it include pictures of doors and windows? To the criminal these photos may reveal what kind of locks are in your house, whether or not the house may or may not employ a security system, identifying security vulnerabilities of your home. These are topics which most people don’t think of, and the thought of them can be disturbing. Troy Prepared offers training on Information Security, which covers these topics as well as physical practices at work and at home purposed to educate the students on simple practices which will provide information and physical security to you and your family and ultimately the peace of mind that is associated with level of preparedness. -
Security Staff Preparedness Training
Troy Prepared has a training program designed to train and educate your security staff on Occupant Preparedness Plans, response, reporting and notification procedures, first responder liaison, use of Close Circuit Video (CCV) and emergency communications. The training can be adjusted to the size and scope of your business. For example, if your business has security screening, Troy Prepared has curriculum for entry control procedures, utilization of the hand held metal detector, walk through metal detector and x-ray technologies for the detection of weapons or explosives; to include establishment of specific security post orders which outline the duties to be performed by security staff members as well as the procedures to follow in emergency situations. Whether your security staff consists of two or two hundred , Troy Prepared has training which can be tapered or customized to your specific security staff’s needs. -
Security Assessment
Troy prepared can look at your business, its physical facility and identify potential risks to its security. Looking from the outside in, Troy Prepared’s seasoned staff will assess, fences, gates, lighting, landscaping , doors, locks alarm systems, close circuit video, security staff, security procedures, information security, core facility functions such as power and water, local crime statistics; then determine any vulnerabilities to your business, and based on those vulnerabilities, provide a list of cost effective solutions which will eliminate existing vulnerabilities and reduce risk of criminal activity or emergency situations from having an impact on your business and its employees.
Active Shooter Preparedness Training
An active shooter is “”an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearm[s] and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.” According to the FBI in regard to an Active Shooter Incident “Unlike a defined crime, such as a murder or mass killing, the active aspect inherently implies that both law enforcement personnel and citizens have the potential to affect the outcome of the event based upon their responses.” If an active shooter event occurred at your workplace or while at the mall on vacation or at a resort while accompanied by loved ones; what would you do? How would you “affect the outcome of the event”? Troy Prepared has active shooter preparedness training for the corporate community and private citizens designed for this purpose, to “affect the outcome of the event” through preparedness; Chaos, panic and fear can never be eliminated. But they can be minimized and controlled when there is preparation, planning and rehearsal prior to the event that causes them. Be prepared, Be Troy Prepared! -
Emergency Preparedness Training
Troy Prepared designed this for the private citizen and their families. In the vast majority of emergencies we can rely on picking up the phone, dialing 911 and have the confidence that Police, Fire or EMS will be responding to help you. However, what if you picked up the phone and there was no service? Either the cell towers are down or overwhelmed, no calls can get through. What if you could get through but 911 cannot get first responders to you because they are inundated with emergency calls; or there is a physical barrier which would impede or prevent their response? That would mean that you and your family or coworkers are on your own to deal with the emergency. In recent years this has happened on 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy. On 9/11 in New York City people fled the city on foot, first responders were dealing with the horrors of the attack , the cell phone towers were overwhelmed, there were no or limited communications; as a result people had to make the decision to evacuate and act upon it on their own. During Hurricane Katrina, in the New Orleans area there were no telecommunications; power was down and the infrastructure was destroyed during the storm. Even if one could call 911, first responders were trying to deal with the unprecedented enormity of the storms devastation; and in the event they could respond, the physical barriers caused by the flooding would prevent their response. Inevitably people had to survive, decide to shelter in place or evacuate on their own. During Hurricane Sandy, the floods and storm surge prevented first responders from handling calls to service due to the physical barrier of water. With this in mind, if at work or at home, you find yourself in an emergency situation, you dial 911 and the phone is dead, what do you do? What decisions will you make? Do you have disaster/emergency preparedness kits at work or at home? Do you have an emergency preparedness plan for home, is there one at work? Chaos, panic and fear can never be eliminated. But they can be minimized and controlled when there is preparation, planning and rehearsal prior to the event that causes them. Troy Prepared’s Training is purposed to help the student prepare and plan for such emergencies. -
Home and Personal Security Preparedness Training
Troy Prepared has a training program designed this for the business employee and their families. Social media is extremely prevalent in our society. People post information and photographs which may seem innocuous, but offer a window into your lives providing information to criminals that may make you or your family potential targets of criminal activity. For example, can you or your children verify everyone who is a “friend” or is “following them” and their posts; there are numerous examples in the news of child predators making fraudulent social media profiles, posing as children, to befriend and follow children on line. For adults, cyber stalking is a prevalent issue, whereas with children, who are your “friends” and who is following you on line; what are your security settings, can people you aren’t “friends” with, see your posts? What information or photos do you post? For example when going on vacation do you announce, on social media, that you are leaving or away? These posts let everyone online know that your house is untended; and vulnerable to burglary. Do you or families post, when they are alone at home, or check in to restaurants or bars, so everyone, including potential criminals know their travel patterns and whether they are alone or vulnerable to attack. When you post pictures of your home does it include pictures of doors and windows? To the criminal these photos may reveal what kind of locks are in your house, whether or not the house may or may not employ a security system, identifying security vulnerabilities of your home. These are topics which most people don’t think of, and the thought of them can be disturbing. Troy Prepared offers training on Information Security, which covers these topics as well as physical practices at work and at home purposed to educate the students on simple practices which will provide information and physical security to you and your family and ultimately the peace of mind that is associated with level of preparedness. -
Preparedness Mindset Training
For years the military and law enforcement communities have understood and practiced mental conditioning and adopted the “warrior mindset” as determinants of success, and survival. Through the adoption of certain attitudes a person can enhance their ability to survive the direst of situations. This course is designed to impart the survival mindset practiced by military and law enforcement personnel to the private citizenry. Whether you find yourself in the middle of a natural disaster, a terrorist attack, or any dangerous situation for the matter, sometimes the difference between life and death can be determined by a persons will to survive; the key to survival is not denying fear, but rather expecting the emotion and use it to initiate a survival response. Chaos, panic and fear can never be eliminated. But they can be minimized and controlled when there is preparation, planning and rehearsal prior to the event that causes them. It can make the difference between freezing in panic, or actively reacting to a dangerous situation and enhancing one’s ability to survive. You or your family’s safety and survival can sometimes just come down to mindset. Be prepared, Be Troy Prepared. -
Violent Encounter Preparedness Workshop
Troy Prepared has designed this for private citizens and their families; it is for both armed and unarmed citizens. This course teaches tactics and allows the student the opportunity to practice reacting to situations such as active shooter incidents, terrorist incidents, home invasions, assaults, and abduction attempts. It walks the student through tactical considerations and preparedness techniques which would allow for a person to evade such situations, and in the event these incidents cannot be averted, how to decisively react allowing the private citizen and their family the best chances to succeed and survive. It takes in to account local laws regarding the use of force for protection of life as well as use of force options for the armed and unarmed citizen; understanding the legal guidelines and implications of using force in defense of you and loved ones. This training methodology has been utilized by the military and law enforcement community for decades; mental preparation and rehearsals allow for mission success in these communities and can make the difference between life and death. This training is realistic and provides stress inoculation to violent encounters, preventing the paralyzing effects of the stress and fear caused by such incidents and enhancing the student’s ability to react, and ensuring their mission success; the mission being survival! Be prepared, Be Troy Prepared.